The campus has Urdu and English medium schools as well as an English medium Junior College and a Polytechnic. Every girl attends school either at the English or Urdu Medium depending on the previous school she has attended. After class 10, the girls join the Junior College. Some girls prefer joining the Polytechnic for vocational courses. We also encourage our girls to pursue higher education by facilitating their attendance at degree colleges, which may be outside the campus.
The English Medium School, the Urdu School and the Jr. College follow the curriculum set by the Maharashtra State Board of Education

In June 2019, the management was keen about starting a library for the residents of the Orphanage. It is said `where there is a will there’s a way`, with concerted efforts and the support of kind donors, we now have a library cum reading room also, so that the girls can spend some leisure time in the company of books.