A thirty six inch L.C.D. and some leisure time indoor games in the recreation room make ours a real home for the girls!!! Inter orphanage sports is held with 3 other orphanages taking part, it is organized by the Inner Wheel Club of Pune. Girl Guide : Girl Guides from abroad visit the Orphanage every year. Usually they visit for 3 to 4 consecutive days. Their interaction with the girls consists of story sessions, drawing, painting & games. The girls look forward to these visits from the Girl Guides. Many NGOs volunteer food/ sweets etc. Some kind and considerate parents celebrate their children’s birthdays with the resident girls.

Excursions and Picnics
The girls are taken on excursions with their respective Schools. They are also taken for picnics twice a year during the Diwali break.

The children enjoying a “Magic Show”